Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring is here!

Well, I had some things to post two days in a row! I stepped outside to watch the kids for a little while and thought everyone might enjoy the coming of spring at the Deatrick residence. Just think, for the last 4 months, most of this energy has been expended inside . . .

Kara isn't usually allowed in the front yard, but since I was out there, she took full advantage of the opportunity; she's my little sweet-heart. Notice Grant uses the light post to brake; unfortunately, Laura has a bruised chin from using the light post to stop a day or two ago.

Joel has done really well with the pogo stick. I've counted more than 130 bounces before; now he can go until he runs out of breath (or into the mud :-) - think "Tigger" from Winnie-the-Pooh :-). John feels safe with only one roller blade one.

An update, we are working through "Truman" by David McCullough; it's a good history, especially if you're a Missourian as I am.

I'm also reading in The Journals of Lewis & Clark by Bernard DeVoto, The Memoirs of John Mason Peck (second reading), and Things To Come and Thy Kingdom Come by Dwight Pentecost, and a good visual resource is Charting the End Times by Tim Lahaye and Thomas Ice.

